The Roadmap

Successfully developing a capability framework involves a collaborative process that engages key stakeholders across various levels of your organisation. It traverses the complete terrain of your company structure, values, brand and business directives.

Without a roadmap, it’s a daunting process, so we’ve put together a basic overview as a starting point…

Here’s the 8-step roadmap of the collaborative process to developing and integrating a capability framework that elevates your organisation:

1. Stakeholder Identification

Identify key stakeholders who will contribute to and benefit from the capability framework. This may include executives, department heads, HR professionals, team leaders, and employees.

2. Needs Assessment

Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the organisation’s strategic goals, values, culture, and current capabilities. Gather input from stakeholders through interviews, surveys, focus groups, and data analysis.

3. Definition of Core Values and Capabilities

Collaboratively define the organisation’s core values and desired capabilities. This may involve workshops, brainstorming sessions, and consensus-building exercises to ensure alignment and clarity.

4. Framework Design

Design the framework structure, outlining the core values, competency areas, and proficiency levels. This should include visual representations, such as charts or diagrams, to illustrate the framework’s components and relationships, make it engaging and dramatically increase the level of clarity. Drop us a line via if you’re at this stage and we can help you explore the options.

5. Validation and Feedback

Share the framework draft with stakeholders for validation and feedback. Encourage open discussion and incorporate suggestions to refine the framework further.

6. Pilot Testing

Pilot test the framework with a small group of employees or teams to assess its effectiveness and usability in real-world scenarios. Gather feedback on usability, clarity, and relevance.

7. Finalisation and Rollout

Finalise the capability framework based on feedback and validation results. Develop supporting materials, such as training modules or job aids, to facilitate implementation. Roll out the framework organisation-wide, ensuring clear communication and training for all stakeholders.

8. Continuous Improvement

Establish mechanisms for ongoing review and improvement of the capability framework. Monitor its impact on employee performance, organisational culture, and strategic goals, and make adjustments as needed to ensure relevance and effectiveness over time.

Throughout the collaborative process, effective communication, stakeholder engagement, and commitment to shared goals are essential for developing a capability framework that reflects the organisation’s values, drives performance, and supports continuous growth and development. You’ll have your own optimised version of this roadmap, but hopefully this provides a good starting point!